发布时间:2015-02-20  阅读次数:2431

二 十多年前,皇家飞利浦公司信奉一种所谓生态设计的发展理念,以实现减少其产品对环境造成影响的广泛目的。该战略并不是独一无二的:其强大的竞争对手中,从 通用电气,松下电器,索尼到西门子都拥有成熟的生态策略。然而,飞利浦所获得明显回报的企业战略重点,不仅仅是其销售业绩,更是其品牌影响力。








在消费者生活方式的阵容中,随着再生材料的使用和功耗的降低,飞利浦优先考虑避免物质的问题。最近的一个例子是新的24英寸和27英寸的POWERENSOR显示器的引进,使用传感器来检测当有人在附近时,如果有人起身离开,屏幕会自动降低亮度。这有助于为LCD减少能源使用量,EPEAT(电子产品环境影响评估工具)金牌认证的显示器有着高达80%的替代品。该技术也经TCO DGE认证,这意味着它也使用了至少65%的消费后塑料,而且产生100%可再循环利用的包装。

当 然,这种创新如显示器现在是一种关键技术,但多年来,飞利浦已经在该领域获得许多第一。尽管它在电视市场的风光不在,但它是发布不含聚氯乙烯塑料和溴化阻 燃剂电视的第一个公司。从历史上看,绿色和平组织早先批评飞利浦相对于其他制造商发展一个强大的全球循环利用和产品回收程序的速度较慢。但事实上飞利浦回 收的活动早已开始:20世纪90年代出现过第一个生产者回收程序,并在2013年该公司回收了大约31000吨(相比之下,2010年是22500吨)。







除 了肯定会促进销售业绩外,飞利浦的生态设计理念正在帮助公司树立良好的公众形象。它是2014年度美国环境保护署的能源之星合作伙伴;和松下生态解决方案 及LG电子一道,均被命名为持续卓越的公司。更重要的是,在所有的高科技的国际品牌2014全球绿色品牌排名中,飞利浦名次升的最多,跳了九位到第14位 (它的竞争对手索尼、松下得分较高;通用公司是第23位)。在过去的两年里,飞利浦上升了17位。






















Why Philips' EcoDesign play is paying off in more than one way

By Heather Clancy

Published July 07, 2014


One decade ago, Royal Philips embraced a development philosophy called EcoDesign with the broad aim of minimizing the impact of its products on the environment. The strategy isn't unique: its fiercest rivals ranging from General Electric, Matsushita, Sony, Siemens and Pansonic all boast mature eco-strategies. Still, Philips' focus is paying off demonstrably not just in sales, but in brand perception.

Last year, for example, Philips consumer electronics, lighting and healthcare technologies created under that green products umbrella accounted for 51 percent of its approximately $16 billion in revenue — beating its internal goal by more than two years. During the previous year, the company invested close to $700 million in "green innovation" to keep up that momentum over time although that number pales in comparison with the $4.2 billion that GE has invested in its "healthmagination" research and development over the past several years.

To be fair, Philips has been focused on greening its product portfolio for quite some time. LIke some of its biggest competitors, it started methodically driving out toxic chemicals and minimizing the environmental impact of its operations way back in the 1970s; it adopted its first formal EcoVision program and corporate goals back in 1998.

Now, the company is shooting for its green products to account for 55 percent of revenue by 2015, according to a senior sustainability executive. "It is challenging, I can tell you, especially as the overall market pushes and stretches the bounds of what is possible," said Thomas Marinelli, senior director of Environment Health and Safety, with the Philips sustainability group.


Six pillars of green innovation

The focal areas within the EcoDesign creation process include energy efficiency, packaging, substances, weight, recycling and disposal, and lifetime reliability: Philips worked out the methodology in collaboration with the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. "We want our products to be significantly better compared to the predecessor lines," Marinelli said, also pointing to technology from the company's closest competitors.Excerpt from a Philips infographic

The improvements catalyzed by EcoDesign differ depending on the area you're talking about. For the highly specialized healthcare portfolio, which includes medical equipment and where it competes fiercely with GE, Philips introduced 12 new products during 2013 with a big focus on energy efficiency. An example is the latest EPIQ ultrasound imaging system, which reduces both energy consumption and product weight by 30 percent compared with the previous generation. Its new X-ray systems and patient monitors offer similar improvements. GE has been pushing similar improvements of between 20 percent and 25 percent for its own medical systems.

In its consumer lifestyle line-up, Philips is prioritizing avoidance of substances of concern, along with the use of recycled materials and reducing power consumption. Consider the new 24-inch and 27-inch PowerSensor Displays introduced late last month, which use sensors to detect when someone is nearby to automatically reduce screen brightness if someone gets up and walks away from the screen. This helps cut energy usage for the LCD, EPEAT Gold-certified monitors by up to 80 percent compared with alternatives, according to the company. The technology is also TCO Edge certified, which means that it also uses a minimum of 65 percent post-consumer plastics, and comes in 100 percent recyclable packaging.

This sort of innovation, of course, is now table stakes for technologes such as displays but over the years, Philips has managed a number of firsts in this area. Although it's not in the television market any longer, it was one of the first companies to release a TV free of polyvinyl chloride plastic and brominated flame retardants. Historically, Greenpeace has gotten on Philips' case for being slower than other manufacturers to develop a robust global recycling and product takeback program. But it actually was early to the game: its first producer collection programs emerged in the 1990s, and in 2013, it collected an estimated 31,000 tonnes. (That compares with 22,500 in 2010.)

Philips Epiq ultrasound equipment

Most readers are familiar with Philips' extensive business in LED lighting platforms, where it is one of the market leaders along with the likes of GE, Toshiba, Cree, Osram and Lighting Science Group.

One relatively recent addition to its lineup is the Pacific LED Green Parking system, which includes integrated luminaires, wireless controls and presence detection applications. The company pitches the platform as both a safety play and a cost-effective replacement for traditional fluorescent lamps that can pay for itself in less than three years. To that end, Philips introduced a financing model that encourages garages and businesses to invest in ongoing improvements to its technology.

"We're selling access instead of ownership," Marinelli said.

This mantra is actually part of Philips' advocacy of a "circular economy" that stresses "maintenance, reuse, remanufacture and recycling" of products rather than the ideas of "take, make and dispose" as the world heads toward a population of 9 billion people in 2050. Marinelli noted: "We're aiming to decouple economic growth from the use of natural resources."

Research from McKinsey estimates that $1 trillion worth of value can be recovered by reusing resources that otherwise would be wasted.

Across its product groups, Marinelli said Philips' teams are encouraged to ask: "Can I upgrade a product? Can I remanufacture it or give it a facelift? Can I take it apart and harvest pieces?"

Aside from positively affecting sales, the Philips EcoDesign philosophy is helping the company's public image. It was a U.S. Environment Protection Agency's Energy Star Partner of the Year for 2014; Panasonic Eco Solutions and LG Electronics, were among the companies named for Sustained Excellence. What's more, among all the high-tech players featured on Interbrand's 2014 Global Green Brands ranking, Philips moved up the most on the ranking, jumping nine spots to No. 14. (Among its competitive set, Panasonic and Sony scored higher; GE was No. 23.) Over the past two years, Philips moved up 17 spots.

"We believe that adopting a circular economy approach to our business models, materials reuse and design will further give us a competitive advantage, while making the world more sustainable," said Henk de Bruin, head of Group Sustainability at Philips, in a statement.



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